The holiday blues or holiday depression and stress are more common than people want to admit. It is supposed to be the time of joy and happiness, families coming together, there are presents, delicious foods, yet many feel stressed out and worn out. Can we do something about this growing issue?

The holiday blues comes from stress, unrealistic expectations, money issues, and other issues, which we forgot to deal with over the year. It may be a loss of a family member or a friend, relocating, not being able to be with your family. There are so many triggers, but it does make a clearer picture of why we feel the way we do.
Loneliness, stress, and anxiety go hand in hand with the most wonderful time of the year. Some will try to resolve these issues with drinking while suffering from headaches and insomnia. Others may experience post-holiday sadness after New Year’s Day. This comes from growing expectations and disappointments from the previous year, coupled with stress and exhaustion. So, before you start dreading the holidays, try the following:
Be Realistic

This goes for all your expectations and spendings. No, there won’t be any significant changes in your life just because we are entering a new year or decade. But, you can use this break to spend time with the ones you love. And if loneliness is one of your biggest problems, go and volunteer. It will give you a chance to help others and feel better about yourself.
Save Energy
We don’t live to enjoy that one day and feel completely lost the rest of the year. Don’t spend all your energy on making the perfect Thanksgiving dinner or all your time on finding Christmas presents. Instead, try to make a realistic plan of what you need to make/buy/prepare and go at your own pace. Avoid the traps to avoid that holiday blues.
Try Something New

Don’t limit yourself to other people’s expectations. Try to meet new people or connect with old ones. Instead of running around town for the perfect New Year’s outfit, relax and enjoy window-shopping. Go to the beach/park, take a day off, and visit a spa center. The ones close to you will understand the need to make some changes, and if you feel like it, invite them to join you in creating new holiday activities.
Understand Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Maybe you aren’t “allergic” to holidays or have a holiday blues. If you’re feeling sad during colder months, it may be due to seasonal affective disorder. About 38% of adult Americans have negative feelings during winters, so don’t be afraid to seek help. But whatever you do, remember to be gentle with yourself and talk to the loved ones.
Things To Avoid

Drinking too much won’t help. Over-eating will just make you feel guilty. Whatever you eat or drink, do it in moderation. And this rule applies to all the hours you spend in the kitchen, all the time you spend trying to find the most perfect gifts.