Anti Diet Riot Club is growing in popularity, so much so that it caught the eye of the respectable media. Not that it’s surprising, this is the year of wellness and body-positivity. What is precisely this club and how it became popular? Let’s find out.

Becky Young started Anti Diet Riot Club. It was not something she gave much thought until she started talking about diet culture and fatphobia with her friends. Lots of my friends are very clever,” Young said to The Unedit. “But they ‘ret still slaves to body ideals and diet culture, so I wanted to open up that conversation here [in London].”

Young decided to organize meetings instead of just using social media. Her plans include body positive life drawing sessions, intuitive eating workshops. They also include fashion markets for plus size women who are often excluded from fashion events. The ultimate goal of the Anti Diet Riot Club is to teach women about the dangers of diets and the importance of self-love. Miss Young further told Evening Standard that everyone’s welcome: “I don’t want it to be super metropolitan, with events just for middle-class white women. I want to explore all the different themes and concepts of body positivity and fat activism, interrelating cultures, and reaching out to as many different backgrounds as possible.
So why call it Riot? According to the founder, it’s a rebellion against diet culture as well as “society’s violent fatphobia.” Initially, it was a women’s movement, but men are more than welcome. The movement has the potential to be a global phenomenon. This isn’t a club that calls out slim people, but an organization that wants us to accept that each body is beautiful and that there’s a misconception that thin equals healthy.