Emma Watson and ThredUp created the new Fashion Footprint Calculator. ThredUp is the largest secondhand shop in the world. The English actress made sure to support their initiative to reduce carbon emissions caused by the fashion industry.

In her Instagram statement, Emma Watson explained: “Our closets impact the planet and climate more than you might realize, which is why I am proud to partner with thredUP to launch their new Fashion Footprint Calculator.” Now, let’s try to decode what can this calculator achieve.

ThredUP currently only ships to the U.S. and Canada, but the Fashion Calculator is available to everyone. It tells you what your fashion footprint is equal to a number of flights, precisely how many pounds of CO2 it produces and how you compare to others. It is easy to use: go on to ThreadUp and take the quiz. Then you answer the questions regarding shopping and washing habits. Eventually, you get your results and ideas on how to be more sustainable in your choices.
Harry Potter star and the UN activist, is almost 30 and recently made headlines for calling herself “self-partnered”. Emma Watson doesn’t think that being single is something worth discussing. She used this term and created a new trend, which we do fully support.
It’s interesting that Emma Watson joined forces with ThredUp. The actress was considered a fashion icon, but it’s not something that she wanted to define her. She talked about her love of vintage and secondhand items way before it was a popular topic. The star of Little Women and Pirelli calendar is passionate about her activism, even more than her acting.
Use the quiz on the ThredUp website and share your results with a hashtag #fashionfootprint! It’s fun, yet you’ll get to understand slow fashion a bit more and upgrade your fashion-conscious. Plus, you’ll save money! It’s not as exciting as the British Royal drama, but it’s helpful to you and the planet.