
Hollywood’s Ugliest Divorces in XXI Century

Divorce is one of the most unpleasant experiences, but no one does ugly divorce like Hollywood. It usually involves a lot of money, cheating, drugs, and other scandals. Some celebrities manage to stay civil. Others take the nastiness to the next level. Let’s see which are Hollywood’s ugliest divorces in the past two decades.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Brangelina were only married for two years, but Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie did spend 14 years together. Pitt faced child abuse accusations, then he admitted he had alcohol issues, but their PR machinery worked harder than the Devil himself. The divorce and the long custody battle for their six children ended almost a year ago. But there are still some publicity pieces from both sides. Goal: To make the other former partner look even worse.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Sex, drugs, rock’n’roll, domestic violence, and a lot of “he said, she said.” Amber Heard and Johnny Depp were married for 15 months. Heard accused Depp of being physically abusive, but the whole case is full of twists and turns. If you want a perfect picture of an ugly Hollywood divorce, look at the two actors. Their saga continues, and frankly, we don’t think the end is near.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

This divorce was nasty for several reasons. Kevin Federline got the primary custody over their children, but before that, the whole public was informed that Britney Spears has a mental illness. The whole story is sad because Spears needed help long before she even met former dancer.

Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards

During this ugly Hollywood divorce, everyone in the 2000s thought Charlie Sheen was a great guy. Denise Richards was painted as a gold-digger and worse, but thing changed over the years. Not only does she takes care of their kids, but she also temporarily took care of the twins from Sheen’s marriage to Brooke Mueller.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Admit it, you had this Hello magazine issue, just for the pictures

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes taught us a great lesson: never marry a star you had a crush on as a teen. It was a dreamy Italian wedding, turned into a nightmare. Holmes didn’t just fight for herself and their daughter. She also had to escape Scientology. The only person who got the taste of all this is Nicole Kidman. Unlike Holmes, Kidman doesn’t even talk to the children she and Cruise adopted during their marriage.

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher

Their divorce was not about who said what, it was about the fact that Demi Moore was portrayed as a loser. She dared to marry someone 15 years younger, so divorce was her fault. But the real dirt is out right now, so if you want to read about dirty Hollywood divorces, pick up Moore’s book.

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown

It was one of messiest marriages, not just Hollywood’s ugliest divorces

This match made in music heaven was anything but. Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown’s divorce was one of the ugliest in Hollywood’s history. It involved a lot of drugs, abuse, envy. But the worst came later. Whitney Houston died in 2012, their only daughter died in 2015 at age 22. Bobby Brown is now sober.

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills

Among Hollywood’s ugliest divorces are also Paul McCartney and Heather Mills. It was a clear case of greed over anything else. Just like among us mere mortals, women suffer more, but it doesn’t mean they are always the victims. Divorce is, sadly, about harming reputations and hurting your other halves, not just an ending of a contract.

Did we miss couples that deserve to be on Hollywood’s ugliest divorces lists? Who are they? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

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