
Train The Brain, Learn A Language

Speaking more than one language can alter your brain structure and even increase your brain size. Training the brain is just as important as eating healthy or exercising. And learning a new language will boost your self-esteem. In the internet era, learning is easy, free or cheap and you can use everyone’s mild cell phone addictions for something useful. Speaking of useful, it can reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease and delay the onset of dementia!

Its never too late to train your brain by learning a new language

Start with language apps. Be gentle with yourself, and get creative with rewards. For example, choose Duolingo and adjust it to 15 minutes per day. Once you get past week one, treat yourself. This brain training will make you more creative, more focused and analytical.

Next step is using social media! We all have them, so let’s start talking. You can chat with people whose native tongue you are learning. It will be funny and you might feel like a fool… But, people will be flattered that you are making an effort to learn their language.

You can delay dementia by several years

A great way to train your brain by learning a new language is listening and reading. Get an audiobook, it can be as simple as Little Red Riding Hood, then read it to see what you learned. There’s science behind training your brain and learning a new language is on top of the list that will help you improve your brain activity.

Learning is a never-ending process. Learning a new language will open other doors for you. You may want to travel more, explore other cultures, try some traditional foods,… Researchers have found that learning and regularly speaking another language can reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease and delay the onset of dementia by several years. So what are you waiting for? Healthy eating habits, plus brain training plus exercise is all you need to simply be a better version of yourself.

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