
Join Us In Slow Fashion Challenge and Learn All About It

Slow fashion isn’t some fancy word for a fashion trend. It’s a necessity: arguably fast fashion is the second biggest source of pollution. And the fires across the biggest ecosystems in the world are another reminder that the Earth is a ticking timebomb. We can try to be more open to changes and one of them includes changing shopping habits.

Fast fashion chains work on a simple principle: more clothes and accessories, less quality, cheap labor, lots of profit. They are money-making machines and they will do anything to convince you that you need every latest trend and that you cannot be caught in the same dress twice, especially in the social media era.

With the new season approaching, most of us are already checking out what to buy, what’s hot and what’s not. But the environment element is looking at us wondering: “What the heck are these people doing?” and that’s the first question I asked myself before I started writing. Slow fashion offers sustainable clothing consciously driven to make us spend less and live environmentally friendly. It is the opposite of fast fashion: less water consumption, better working conditions, trends that go way past one season.

If you still think this isn’t a serious matter, G7, the most powerful countries in the world, will be talking to Gucci, Kering, H&M, and Inditex. The goal is global pact to fight the climate crisis and protect biodiversity and the oceans. Many fast fashion brands are aware that in order to survive the upcoming decades, we need to focus on giving Earth a chance to recover. Many labels have eco-conscious or eco-friendly lines. We can choose among those items, find basics on which we can continue to build our signature styles.

In a way, slow fashion goes hand in hand with a minimalistic approach and lifestyle. This is not a new concept, just ask your parents or grandparents. They didn’t need a new coat every year, or a sweater in every color. If you think: “Why would I want to go backward?” A simpler life is just what we need in an era where everything gets old in a matter of minutes. Just like we learned to carry fabric tote bags and stop using plastic ones, we can easily learn to embrace the slow fashion. And more than that: a slower lifestyle.

Here’s where things get real: the challenge! Can you try to sort out your clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry? Make a realistic list of things you need and step out into style, not into trends. Try it for one season. It will be hard, but you will save money, time and do something bigger than all of us combined. Check out secondhand stores, they are going to be huge in the upcoming years. Look for eco-conscious lines, and be realistic with your needs.

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