
The Little Mermaid May Have Found Her Ursula

The Little Mermaid is getting her own live-action movie, which is what Hollywood does these days. They take a perfectly good classic and give it some super fancy effects and voila, you have an instant blockbuster. But, we are not here to talk about the lack of creativity in the art world.

Variety reports that the role of scary Ursula is most likely going to Melissa McCarthy though nothing is set in stone. You would think that it’s a great idea because McCarthy is one of those actresses people just enjoy watching in every performance. But Lizzo’s fans are furious because the singer did express a desire to be infamous Ursula and the role does require singing. While she was gracious about it, her fans went into Twitter meltdown.

The big question here isn’t who is better. It is about the lack of diversity in Hollywood and Disney. Which leaves us completely torn: McCarthy is a well-known name and giving a chance to a non-white, less famous singer/actress is a bold move, but it also sends the right message. At least the title role went to Halle Bailey,  the up-and-coming star.

Things could be much worse. Melissa McCarthy is a good actress and she is not size zero. Imagine Ursula being played by other 98% of entertainers from Hollywood? Still, it doesn’t make it right but if she does take the job, we need to talk to Disney and not undermine the comedian’s talent.

There is no further news on the Little Mermaid’s remake, so we’ll have to wait and see. The biggest question is how many new songs will be half as good as “Under The Sea.”

Share your thoughts, ideas, try to be more creative than Disney. Diversity is an actual issue, the mermaids won’t fix it, but we can!

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