
Insatiable Season 2 Review

Insatiable managed to get another season, though we are not sure how. Or why. Insatiable season 2 is less controversial, guess the writers spent all the topics in season 1, but it is also less interesting. Here are some thoughts after a whole night of Netflix and chill.

Insatiable season 2 starts right where we left off. We are not going to include major spoilers, but the show managed not to get darker, just grosser. The first episode starts with a death and another accident. Before you get to episode 5, there’s another death. All dead characters were insufferable, but which ones aren’t?

The upside: Patty is accepting that she has an eating disorder. The downside is that it leads to another murder, sort of. But in the process, she managed to do something good, to at least get more realistic about her obsession with looking perfect. Is Patty Bladell really a bad seed? That’s up to you to decide, but we like her even less after season 2. Darn it, she was almost human in the first couple of episodes!

The show is framed as a dark, twisted revenge comedy, but the funny parts sort of left the building. At least Insatiable season 1 had some moments. But this time, it is simply boring. Alyssa Milano is pushing for season 3, but what’s the point? If Insatiable season 2 had fewer episodes, it would be better. And Insatiable season 2 review has to point out one thing: Magnolia had an interesting storyline, but what’s with the need to drag it over so many episodes? A threesome with Coralee (Alyssa Milano), Barnard (Christopher Gorham) revealed to Bob (Dallas Roberts), but even that storyline went nowhere. Well, it went to the barn, someone almost got killed, but still, not exciting. Sorry. But hey, at least Patty isn’t “a murderer, just a killer”.

Nonnie has a bigger role, so yay for her. Dixie got some karma, and Patty is officially the serial killer. And she is fine with it.

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