
Too Many Makeup Products? Here’s What You Need!

There are so many makeup products, that it’s impossible to keep track. It used to be so simple: foundation, blush, lipstick, mascara and eyeshadow. Now there’s contouring, which includes playing with highlights and bronzers, strobing, primers, illuminators,… Basically, women looked photoshopped all the time and if you are lost in the modern makeup world, here’s how to find what you really need.

Too many makeup products? Don’t worry, we got this!

First, only healthy skin can look great. Invest in cosmetics, according to your age and skin type. You can have oily skin and use organic oils. Also, you can have dehydrated oily skin. The only way to find out what you need is to visit a dermatologist. Or experiment, but that can lead to a disaster.

Beauty does come from inside, and this old saying means two things. Makeup cannot hide the fact that your partner left you, or that you lost a loving pet. It also cannot cover up poor nutrition. In order to really shine, you need a healthy diet and more time to meditate, exercise, take care of your mental health. “Happy girls are the prettiest” was Audrey Hepburn’s mantra and she was right. There’s a certain glow that no amount of pricey makeup can achieve when you feel good in your skin.

Use organic beauty products and watch what you eat

Never skip the daily cleansing and moisturising routine, but do try to use more organic products. As for makeup, well first, we have too many brands. The price doesn’t mean anything. So here’s what we know is good: Shiseido, Laura Mercier, YSL Beauty, Fenty, to name a few. With makeup, it is all about experimenting. Simply, go into the store and try out various brands and shades. Then wait a few hours and see how your skin reacts.

Which makeup products do you need? A nice, hydrating foundation with SPF is going to protect your skin. Mascara, to make your eye looks deeper and more seductive. Blush or bronzer will make your cheeks look distinguished. Lipsticks are great, but lipglosses are in again and they are more forgiving. Instead of eyeshadow, use eye pencil or eyeliner. And that’s really all a woman needs to look great, without looking like an Instagram filter.

Red lipstick can be tricky, so choose wisely

Finally, age isn’t just a number when it comes to makeup. The softer colours are going to make you look younger. Instead of black, try a bronze or grey eyeliner. If your eyelashes and eyebrows are lighter, use brown mascara. As for lipsticks, finding that perfect red is a challenge. Ask the makeup artists who work at beauty stores for recommendations, based on your skin’s undertones. Instead of buying too much makeup products, focus on a few, but select carefully. Just because it works for one person, it doesn’t mean it will work on the other.

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