
Harry Styles Thinks Feminism is a Gift

No shade, Harry Styles seems like a fantastic person. Singer/songwriter and part-time actor is a proud feminist, but he doesn’t think he deserves credit for it. Oh, and he is proud not to have anything to with toxic masculinity.

Styles, former One Direction member explained to Rolling Stone: “I think ultimately feminism is thinking that men and women should be equal, right? People think that if you say ‘I’m a feminist,’ it means you think men should burn in hell and women should trample on their necks.”  

Styles: “of course men and women should be equal”, describing gender equality as “pretty simple”

He continued: “I think the ideals of feminism are pretty straightforward.” But 25-year old Brit didn’t just wake up and decided to jump on a feminist train.

Styles does not care for toxic masculinity

Harry Styles expressed his feeling back in 2014, he posed with a #HeForShe poster in support of the UN Women campaign for gender equality. Three years later he wore a shirt with “Women are smarter” slogan. Yes, he does live off his female fans, but he did add more about masculinity.

Harry Styles feminist said: “My friend’s dad said to me, ‘You guys are so much better at it than we are. I never had friends I could really talk to. It’s good that you guys have each other because you talk about real shit. We just didn’t.” Styles is proud that he has guy friends who talk about their feelings, so it’s clear that he doesn’t support toxic masculinity.

Harry Styles feminist is also a fashion icon and the voice of a generation. He is not your typical guy, he’s more like Prince or Lenny Kravitz, both talented and sexy, both very openminded and playful. Not just when it comes to dressing up.

It is a simple truth: Harry showed respect to his fans, as well as to the music industry people. He does not act like a superstar, yet he is on a way of becoming one. But before that, we want to hear more music, and it’s coming sooner than you think…

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