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Weirdest Shoes Ever

The first account you should follow is ours, but that’s a given. The second one, the topic of today’s discussion, is reserved for regular fashionistas, but it is far from the Haute Couture world.

London brand Rebel Royale launched a page to show frustration with shoes. Not just any footwear, but the ugliest, craziest and weirdest pairs ever designed. It is called Crimes Against Shoemanity, rather appropriate, considering how hilarious these shoes are.

The funny Instagram page was created out of pure frustration and anger. However, the outcome is, and it just shows that a bit of satire can solve pretty much any problem you have with the world.

It also includes some fashion fails, like fake designer shoes with misspellings, alongside models we saw on the runways or even worse, in real life.

You can enjoy photos of crocs gone punk; classic Converse sneakers turned into flip flops, spaghetti disaster, fish-o-crocks, and furry monsters. While a good pair of shoes can make every outfit look more chic, and stylish, these are quite the opposite.

Yes, certain celebrities got called out (we see you J. Lo), but for a good reason. They committed crimes, and in to save the fashion world, we should all name them and shame them. Or just follow this excellent account.

Sometimes you just have to wonder: “What were those designers thinking?!”

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